At 9,407 feet (2,867 m) in elevation, Mount Baden Powell is one of the tallest peaks in the San Gabriel Mountains and is named after the founder of the Scouting Movement, Robert Baden-Powell.
The trailhead is located at the western end of the Vincent Gap parking area, 3+ miles west of the Inspiration Point viewpoint, which is just west of the Mountain High ski area. The weather was perfect this morning with temperatures in the upper 50s and not a cloud in the sky.

The trail is a series of switchbacks on a near constant grade incline. After over 3 miles of hiking up though forested hillsides, we began to encounter patches of snow on the trail, which became larger as we progressed further. At approximately 4 miles, we reached the ridge below the summit where there no more snow due to unobstructed sunlight above the treeline.
Just below the summit of Mt Baden Powell Just below the summit of Mt Baden Powell
From here it is a short climb up to the summit plateau.
Mt Baden Powell View from the summit of Baden Powell